Types of Fire Door Closers

Fire doors Brisbane have now become more common in many structures. It is because some government and agencies in some countries require building and home owners to improve fire safety in their place through this kind of door. For some countries, a building will not be allowed for occupancy when it has no fire doors in it. Inspection will be done in order to check on the safety plan of the building and make sure that the building is truly safe for occupancy.

All fire doors will go through regular inspection. The inspection aims to see if a door is still working well against fire emergencies. The most common error or damage that a fire door incurs is with its closers. Fire doors Brisbane that fail to fully close during a fire incident is the most common reason why there are casualties and extreme damage. This is why it is important that the door closers are completely tested and checked so that the main purpose of the fire doors Brisbane will be met. Here are the different types of fire door closers:

Self-closing fire doors 

These are doors that once opened and released will return to its closed position. When you push this door open, it will return to being closed once you let it go. You can tell that the door is damaged when it does not return to its original closed position. This is the time that you need to report it to fire door professionals so that it can be corrected and become protective product again.

Automatic closing doors 

This kind of door is normally in the open position. It only closes when the automatic closing device is activated. The device is heat sensitive and so when it senses an unusual temperature, it taps the door to close shut so that the fire and smoke will not have the chance to spread to the different parts of the building. When this door becomes self-closing, then there is something wrong with its device and should be reported right away to the fire door professionals.

Power-operated fire doors

This is a kind of door that is normally opened and closed either electrically or pneumatically. This door has a releasing device and will automatically disconnect the power operator when fire strikes. This fire door should work hand in hand with a fire alarm system. Once the alarm is triggered, it will also deactivate the open doors and put them in a closed position.

Fire doors Brisbane are vital parts in any kind of structure. It is just important that these are also well maintained and inspected. Having fire door professionals check on your fire doors regularly will help you get ultimate fire safety. You can start consulting fire door professionals so that you will know how you can be able to use your fire doors properly and effectively.


Brisbane Fire Doors

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